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Winter Pipe Freeze: Protecting Your New Jersey Home

Northeast Winter Temperatures:

As winter blankets the northeast, particularly in New Jersey, the chilling temperatures pose a significant threat to homes, especially those in Jersey Shore towns. The risk of frozen pipes leading to water damage becomes more prominent, particularly in properties not vacant during winter. In this blog, we'll explore the potential hazards and offer practical tips to safeguard your home from the woes of bursting pipes during the frigid season.


The Cold Threat:

When the thermometer plunges below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, the ticking clock begins for exposed pipes. The vulnerability increases in properties where certain areas, such as crawlspaces, basements, attics, and garages, are left unheated. The costs associated with water damage during these freezing temperatures can be exorbitant and nightmarish for homeowners.


Preventive Measures:

To protect your home from the winter pipe freeze, here are some proactive measures you can take:


1. Open Cabinets:

Open kitchen and bathroom cabinets to allow warm air to circulate around the pipes, especially if they are located near exterior walls. This simple step enhances insulation and reduces the risk of freezing.


2. Drip Faucets:

Let cold water drip from a faucet. The continuous flow of water through the pipes, even at a trickle, helps prevent freezing. This is a small but effective measure, especially overnight.


3. Consistent Thermostat Settings:

Maintain a consistent thermostat setting throughout the day and night. Although it may seem counterintuitive, keeping your home warm even during nighttime prevents exposed pipes from freezing. The cost of maintaining a slightly higher temperature is a worthwhile investment compared to potential repair expenses.


4. Vacant Homes:

If your home will be vacant during the winter season, leave the heat on and set the temperature no lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit. This ensures a minimum level of warmth to protect your pipes from freezing.


5. Closed Garage Doors:

Keep your garage doors closed, especially if water supply lines run through or are located in the garage. The garage is often overlooked, but it can become a freezing zone for pipes if not properly insulated.


6. Insulation is Key:

Invest in proper insulation for your home, particularly in areas like the attic, basement, and crawlspace. Older homes, in particular, may lack adequate insulation, exposing them to the elements. Upgrading insulation can significantly mitigate the risk of frozen pipes.



As temperatures plummet during the winter months, the threat of frozen pipes and subsequent water damage is great. Taking proactive steps to safeguard your home, such as opening cabinets, letting faucets drip, maintaining consistent thermostat settings, and ensuring proper insulation, can go a long way in preventing a plumbing catastrophe.

If in doubt, consult with a qualified insulation contractor at Crawlspace Solutions to assess your home's insulation and fortify it against the winter chill. Remember, a little preparation can save you from the headaches and expenses associated with burst pipes and water damage. Contact them at 1-800-411-0335 or schedule an inspection online here.

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